Find all updates for your software
Stop missing and searching important software updates! UpdateStar 5 is a world-class update service with third-party software updates for more than 1,273,000 programs. It lets you stay up to date and secure with the software on your PC. UpdateStar Premium delivers available updates for your PC's software, including minor upgrades and downloads for your software setup. It saves so much time searching for updates and prevents you from missing important updates.
Outdated software is a security and performance problem for every PC user. Each day many, many updates for software products are published by software vendors. The reasons can be security issues as well as newly added features.
Users typically use UpdateStar best for one of the following three reasons:
1 Users with an existing PC and software setup
UpdateStar acts as the perfect add-on to the Windows Update Service. UpdateStar provides users with added security, as it helps to keep all third-party software installations on your PC up to date. Plus users get a complete software management tool with security analysis, 24x7 scheduler, reliable downloads, access to the largest software database and more.
2 Users with a new Windows PC
UpdateStar is the perfect tool to fit up your PC with software. With UpdateStar you find and download all of your accustomed software titles and additionally search and find new software from our broad database of software titles.For a quick start into your PC's software life, make use of the FREE UpdateStar Packs. The easiest way to equip your new PC with software!
3 Users with a new PC full of bloatware
Use UpdateStar as a complete software management tool to get rid of all unnecessary bloatware software on your new PC. UpdateStar is a complete software management console. It helps you to uninstall all unwanted bloatware. Afterwards you can use UpdateStar to find and download all of your accustomed software titles - and only those you want on your PC. UpdateStar is the perfect addition to your Windows Updates and automatically scans your PC and finds available updates for more than 309,000 third party software products. UpdateStar makes sure you will not miss out on all of these updates. You can decide to download and install the updates. UpdateStar is a useful and essential add-on to a PC's security software.
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